Loosen Up Your Sales Page Buttons: How To Write Better Calls To Action

If you're still using a basic AF "sign up now" as your call to action, you need to listen to this episode. A sales page that gets people movin' needs directives that are exciting and transparent. In this episode, Christina Torres breaks down what calls-to-benefit you need to use on your sales page.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • The difference between a call-to-action, a call-to-benefit, and a call-to-decision.

  • How to match your buttons to the section of your sales page.

  • How to choose the right call-to-action.

  • What micro-copy is and how it helps your conversions.

  • Why your sales page needs to be mobile-optimized

  • How Run and Tell That can help you with your sales page and other launch assets.


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